Application of the musicians
Dear musicians, please always tick off two feasible days when registering!
Due to time constraints we cannot let all the artists perform on Saturday!
Please do not submit the registration via Facebook or Messenger, but only via
e-mail: or via fax 030-4128800 or send by post!

Our information to you
On four stages, the country musicians can present themselves with a usual set length of 45 minutes live, in a show case, free of charge to the fans and organizers.
The renting of a promotion stand area is not obligatory. Each participating group / musician receives a free opportunity in front of the stage to sell his CD's or sign autographs for 30 minutes after the performance. It would also be possible for your CD's to deposit at the Country Music Meeting info stand. You can do that with the information stand supervisors, on site and discuss.

Entertainment Points:
-45 minutes show case of your favorite country music band
-Presenters and DJ on the stage hall, TMO stage, locker from the stool and Jörn's Corner.
-Line Dance Workshops with world champions Natalie Redlitz, Yvonne Redlitz, as well as TFD-Sabine, Bernd Pinschke, Thomas Koch and Silvia Schill (Line Dance Star Award 2016, 2017, 2018) on the first floor
-qualified exhibition environment, best live music, with many organizers from Germany and abroad, also the corresponding media will be present on site.

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